Adopt one of our set of High Seas Heroes sharks and support our Oceanic Programme. Join us on our mission to secure the future for high-seas sharks.

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Our High Seas Heroes are only available as digital adoptions. 

When you select our Digital High Seas Heroes Adoptions more of your money will go towards shark conservation and it is more eco-friendly! We will use this money in our Oceanic Programme - helping all the sharks that live on the high seas and not just the species you have selected. 

This option is available to shark lovers around the world.

We will email you:

  • Your personalised certificate
  • a link to your digital adoption pack

Adopt a Hammerhead Shark

Hammerhead Sharks spend a lot of their time in the high seas the open-ocean beyond national borders. Like many other species of sharks and rays. In our shared ocean, these oceanic sharks and rays face a very real threat from a huge international fleet of industrial-scale fishing vessels.

Research published in early 2021 confirmed that over three-quarters of oceanic sharks and rays are now at risk of extinction due to the destructive impact of overfishing. They have declined by 71% over the last 50 years.

The Big Shark Pledge is at the heart of our ambitious campaign. It supports our Oceanic Programme. By adopting a hammerhead shark you can help us build one of the biggest campaigning communities in the history of shark conservation. To put pressure on governments and fisheries. And make the positive changes required to safeguard these awesome sharks.

Adopt a Hammerhead

Adopt an Oceanic Whitetip Shark

Known for their incredibly long dorsal and pectoral fins, this species was once the most abundant oceanic-pelagic species of shark on the planet. It is easy to catch these sharks due to their incredibly inquisitive nature. They are very at risk of population depletion, exacerbated by their low reproductive rates. Previously listed as vulnerable, the Oceanic Whitetip was reclassified to critically endangered in 2019. Populations are declining across the globe.

The Big Shark Pledge is at the heart of our ambitious campaign. It supports our Oceanic Programme. By adopting an Oceanic Whitetip Shark you can help us build one of the biggest campaigning communities in the history of shark conservation. To put pressure on governments and fisheries. And make the positive changes required to safeguard these awesome sharks.

Adopt an Oceanic Whitetip

Adopt a Blue Shark

Blue Shark © Paul Colley

Blue Sharks are known for being the most migratory shark species. Some scientists believe that they use their large pectoral fins (the horizontal fins growing out from either side of the body) to glide through long currents, conserving their energy as they move through the water.

The Big Shark Pledge is at the heart of our ambitious campaign. It supports our Oceanic Programme. By adopting a Blue Shark you can help us build one of the biggest campaigning communities in the history of shark conservation. To put pressure on governments and fisheries. And make the positive changes required to safeguard these awesome sharks.

Adopt a Blue Shark

Adopt a Mako Shark

Shortfin Mako © Wildestanimals

The fastest shark in the sea, the Shortfin Mako is built for speed. Reaching speeds of 45 miles per hour. With their long, pointed snout, streamlined bodies, and powerful tail they are even able to jump clean out of the water while hunting. 

The Big Shark Pledge is at the heart of our ambitious campaign. It supports our Oceanic Programme. By adopting a Blue Shark you can help us build one of the biggest campaigning communities in the history of shark conservation. To put pressure on governments and fisheries. And make the positive changes required to safeguard these awesome sharks.

Adopt a mako shark

Adopt a Devil Ray

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