BLUE SKATE (Dipturus batis) Previously known as the Common Skate, which is now known to have masked 2 species - Flapper Skate and Blue Skate.Size:Maximum Eggcase Length: ~21cm (ranges from 19–24cm)Eggcase Length (without horns): ~14cm (ranges from 13-15cm)Maximum Eggcase Width (with keels): ~7cm (ranges from 6-8cm)Range: In the Northeast Atlantic, it's present from Iceland and the northern North Sea around to the western British Isles and Celtic Sea. The Blue Skate generally has a more southerly distribution than the Flapper Skate. But the distribution of both species overlaps in the Celtic Sea to northwest Scotland. Similar Eggcase: The much larger Flapper Skate eggcase. Great Eggcase Hunt Records: Few beach records of Blue Skate eggcases have been reported to the Great Eggcase Hunt, but all have been submitted from Cornwall. Underwater records are from scientific surveys. Manage Cookie Preferences