GLOBAL SHARKS & RAYS INITIATIVE (GSRI) Early in 2016, we launched an ambitious 10-year plan. The product of an intensive 18-month strategic planning process. The plan incorporates extensive scientific, fisheries and trade data analysis. Based on the best data available, it shapes our global effort for the coming years. GSRI is made up of the following organisations: Shark Advocates International The Shark Trust TRAFFIC Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) International International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Shark Specialist Group (SSG) OUR AIM - By 2025, the conservation status of the world’s sharks and rays has improved. Declines have been halted. Extinctions have been prevented. And commitments to their conservation have increased globally.To achieve this we'll need support from a wide range of organisations, agencies and institutions. The world of shark conservation is multifaceted and involves many complex moving parts. All co-existing and intricately interconnected. So, we'll be adopting a holistic approach and will be using a range of tactics and strategies. We'll be focusing on 4 key areas: SAVING SHARK & RAY SPECIES - our actions will focus on protecting species through strict national protections. Starting with the most endangered species: sawfishes, angelsharks, guitarfishes and wedgefishes. SUSTAINABLE SHARK & RAY FISHERIES - our aim is to stop the over-exploitation of sharks in at least 40 priority countries. As well as in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ). We'll achieve this by improving science-based fisheries management measures. RESPONSIBLE TRADE - we aim to put in place effective trade controls. This will ensure international trade in shark products is legal, sustainable and traceable. RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION - we aim to reduce demand for unsustainable shark products in important global markets. We also want to see markets demanding sustainable and traceable shark products. Shark products include meat, fins, squalene, manta and devil ray gill plates, and freshwater stingrays. ► Find out more about the 10 year plan - download the GSRI report (pdf) ► Visit the GSRI website Manage Cookie Preferences