Here they are! The answers to the Eggcase Matching Game in Shark Focus Issue 70!


Adult Description


Eggcase Description


Smallspotted Catshark

· Catshark

· Long and thin body

· Dorsal fins more towards the tail

· Lots of small, dark spots with a pale underside

· Oblong/elongated eggcase

· Thin curly tendrils rather than horns

Zebra Shark

· Carpet Shark

· Ridges run along body

· Distinctive spots

· Stripy when young

· Oval/rounded eggcase

· No horns or tendrils

· Often has sticky fibres to attach it to the seabed


· Chimaera

· Large head with a tapering body

· Tall, triangular dorsal fin

· Big eyes

· Spindle or leaf shaped

· Fringe running around the outside of the eggcase

· No horns or tendrils

Undulate Ray

· Skate

· Disk shaped body

· Dark wavy bands bordered by small spots

· Square in shape with horns at each corner

Port Jackson Shark

· Bull head shark / Horn Shark

· Crest behind the eyes

· Distinctive harness/saddle-like marking going over the back

· Corkscrew in shape

· Two flanges run in a spiral around the eggcase

Epaulette Shark

· Carpet Shark

· Long and thin body

· Distinctive large black spot behind the pectoral fin

· Oval/rounded eggcase

· No horns or tendrils

· Often has sticky fibres to attach it to the seabed