Our selection of top shark stories, highlighting the latest news and discoveries from around the world...

Great Hammerhead Sharks' Hidden Lunar Calendar

4th September

Have you ever wondered why spotting a magnificent great hammerhead shark seems more likely during a full moon? Researchers in the Central Pacific Ocean have unraveled the pivotal role played by the lunar cycle in shaping the presence of these apex predators.

Four steps to curb ‘ocean roadkill’

6th September

There is increasing evidence that ship strikes are a major cause of mortality for whales, sharks and other ocean giants. With the global fleet growing, some simple actions can turn things around.

Bull Sharks' Remarkable Adaptation To Landlocked Life Revealed

6th September

Researchers shed light on extraordinary adaptation of bull sharks (Carcharhinus leucas) to a surprising habitat: a freshwater golf course lake near Brisbane, Australia.

Pencils with teeth: meet the tiny cookiecutter shark that attacked a catamaran off Cairns

7th September

The small sharks that damaged a catamaran off the coast of Cairns have been described as “pencils with teeth” and they have a history of trying to eat inanimate objects, including submarines.

The fish so rare we don’t know where it lives – for now

7th September

For decades, the only reason scientists knew the clown wedgefish (Rhynchobatus cooki) existed at all was its presence at markets in Singapore and Jakarta.