Our selection of top shark stories, highlighting the latest news and discoveries from around the world...

Federal and Queensland governments promise a gillnet-free Great Barrier Reef by 2027

5th June

Gillnets are set to be completely banned from the Great Barrier Reef by mid-2027, the federal and Queensland governments have jointly announced. The government has also announced plans to make all hammerhead sharks a no-take species for commercial fishers in all Queensland waters.

First Sighting Of Whale Sharks Bottom Feeding

6th June

In Baja California Sur, Mexico, an ecotourism guide captured an unusual whale shark behavior on film and sent it to researchers for analysis. A 16.4 foot-long (5 meters) juvenile whale shark was seen sucking at the sand, gulping whatever it was finding.

Lords send Shark Fins Bill for Royal Approval!

16th June

The Shark Fins Bill completed its passage through both Houses of Westminster today – with the Third Reading in the House of Lords led by Baroness Jones of Whitchurch, and supported unanimously by Peers from all sides.

Reef sharks in greater danger than expected

16th June

Overfishing is driving the sharks based on coral reefs towards extinction faster than previously realised, with the five main species so familiar to scuba divers – grey reef, blacktip reef, whitetip reef, nurse and Caribbean reef sharks – already having declined globally by an average of 63%.

Megalodon sharks were warm-blooded with body temp of 27˚C, proves study

26th June

The colossal Megalodon—the largest marine predator to have ever existed—was warm-blooded, according to a recent analysis of fossilized teeth published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on June 26.

UK Tightens Law on International Shark Fin Trade

29th June

The Shark Fins Act passes into UK law, effectively reinforcing existing shark finning regulation through the broad application of global best practice.