With so many impressive sharks around the world, it's difficult to select only a few...

But here's our list of winners for categories ranging from the fastest to the largest. The most aerobatic to the highest leaping. The weirdest to the deepest. And more...

FASTEST: Shortfin Mako

The fastest shark on record is the Shortfin Mako. It can reach staggering speeds of 30mph! Possibly more! This allows them to catch fast swimming prey such as tuna and swordfish.

Shortfin Mako © Wildestanimals

SLOWEST: Greenland Shark

Greenland Sharks cruise at around 0.34m per second. That's slower than 1mph. Yet they're known to eat seals. You may be wondering how such a slow animal could catch a seal? Well, they're very sneaky. It's thought that they ‘sneak up’ on seals while they're sleeping.

LARGEST: Whale Shark

The Whale Shark easily wins the title of largest living fish. It can reach over 17m and weighs more than 20 tonnes. This huge filter-feeding shark enjoys tropical waters. And feeds on zooplankton and small fish.

Whale Shark © Steve Jones

SMALLEST: Dwarf Lanternshark

This tiny deepwater shark lives in the Caribbean Sea. They only grow up to 21cm, making them one of the smallest sharks known to science. How cute!

WEIRDEST: Goblin Shark

The deepwater Goblin Shark has semi-translucent skin. So, you can see their blood vessels underneath. This is what gives them their pinkish-white colour. To make it even weirder, the Goblin Shark has a very long snout and jaws that shoot out to catch their prey.

LARGEST TEETH: Largetooth Cookiecutter Shark

At only 42cm, the Largetooth Cookiecutter Shark has the biggest teeth compared to their body size. They feed by cutting circular pieces of flesh from larger animals. Including marine mammals, fish and other sharks. They leave a small cookie cutter shaped hole in their victims. Not even submarines are safe and may bear the mark of the cookie cutter shark.


This title also gets awarded to the Shortfin Mako. They can leap 6m in the air when breaching. No wonder they have a reputation as one of the most powerful fish in the ocean!

LONGEST TAIL: Common Thresher Shark

The Common Thresher Shark's tail is over half the length of their entire body! That's around 3m long!! They use their incredible tails like whips to stun their prey while hunting.

DEEPEST: Portuguese Dogfish

Portuguese Sharks live at depths ranging from 270–3,700m, making them the deepest-living shark known.

SHALLOWEST: Epaulette Shark

Epaulette sharks live in the shallow waters of coral reefs and rock pools. And can use their fins to ‘walk’ over the reef. Rock pools have very low levels of oxygen but they can survive by shutting down non-essential body functions.

Epaulette Shark © Alexander Mustard


Blue Sharks are highly migratory and can be found worldwide. Except for very cold waters. They're capable of undertaking many migrations across the Atlantic. And can migrate over 5,700 miles (9,200 km) each year.

Blue Shark © Charles Hood


The Spinner Shark performs spectacular spinning leaps out of the water. Thus it's name. When feeding on schools of fish, they'll speed through the water vertically while spinning. They'll then erupt from the water and spin up to 4X before landing!

MOST FAMOUS: White Shark

Our list wouldn’t be complete without the White Shark. This wide-ranging shark can be found in most oceans. It's an expert hunter and can breach clear out the water in a phenomenal display of power.

White Shark © Sean Sequeira

OLDEST: Frilled Sharks

Frilled Sharks are often described as ‘living fossils’. They have 6 pairs of gills and catch prey by bending their body and striking like a snake. Records show they’ve been around for over 280 million years.

YOUNGEST: Hammerhead Sharks

Hammerheads date back to the Jurassic period, 195 million years ago. Of all the shark species living today, the hammerhead family are the ‘youngest’.

Hammerhead Shark © John Bantin

What's your top shark? We'd love to know... Write to us and let us know.