Rally4Makos Help us tackle one of the world's most pressing shark conservation crises: the dangerous decline of Atlantic Shortfin Makos. The Mako is one of our best-loved sharks. Sleek, speedy and with one of the shark world’s most impressive set of teeth. In the Atlantic, they range from the tip of South America to Greenland. They are, quite simply, beautiful but vulnerable sharks. Yet they’re being caught in huge numbers, way exceeding their rate of reproduction. The message from scientists, after a full assessment in 2017 was very clear: Stop fishing North Atlantic Mako now if they are to have a chance of recovering in our lifetime. The Shark Trust is working with our Shark League partners to coordinate campaign actions ahead of upcoming negotiations of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). Mako Sharks do have champions (Click here to see existing champions) currently led by Canada, Senegal and the UK But the EU is responsible for the lion’s share of the fishery and has blocked progress year on year. The Rally4Makos campaign sees us promoting and tracking support from EU Member States. To turn the tide, we need YOUR help to get the European Commission to step up and follow the science! #Rally4Makos with the new Mako Summer Holiday Postcards It’s summer in the North Atlantic and, even though many EU and US policy makers might be on holiday, the #Rally4Makos continues! While there’s increasing support for the ICCAT scientific advice to ban retention of Endangered North Atlantic shortfin mako sharks, the EU and US are still standing in the way of an international agreement by insisting on exceptions that jeopardize population recovery. It’s essential that we keep mako shark protection on the agenda of EU and US decision makers throughout the summer! Please help us ensure their social media feeds and in-trays are teeming with makos! Send a postcard to your Government Officials The Shark League is leading the call for policymakers to follow the scientific advice and ban the retention of Shortfin Mako in the North Atlantic...here's why. This short film features a wide range of Voices for Makos asking that the EU Commission takes responsibility, and supports the call to ban retention of North Atlantic Makos. Related Links & Resources: ► Adopt the NoLimits? Sharks ► Download & Make a Mako Shark Chatterbox (pdf) ► Download the Shortfin Mako ID Guide ► Creature Feature ► Blowfish Mako Blog ► Grab a super cool "Going Fast" Mako Shark T-Shirt or Hoody! Banner Image: © Jacob Brunetti Manage Cookie Preferences