Our selection of top shark stories, highlighting the latest news and discoveries from around the world...

Megaladon Baby Shark Nurseries

26 November

Scientists confirm that nursery areas were commonly used by Megaladon Sharks in a range of locations. Fossilized teeth of juvenile Megaladons have been uncovered from Atlantic, Caribbean and Pacific ocean basins.

Does Bait Influence White Shark Behaviour?

25 November

There's long standing debate over the impacts of ecotourism on shark behaviour. This article explores the influences of bait use by shark cage diving boats on White Sharks. Researchers are now developing recommendations to improve diving activities and reduce the likelihood of incidents between sharks and cages. Helping towards a harmonious future for these sharks and the ecotourism sector.

Angel Shark Project: Libya

23 November

Angel Shark Project: Libya has been launched! We're pleased to be collaborating with Libyan researchers and stakeholders, as well as a host of international colleagues. Three species of angel shark inhabit Mediterranean waters. All of which are Critically Endangered. This project aims to promote accurate reporting of angel shark catch in Libya, to help better understand and ultimately protect these species. Complimenting the SubRAP process which is developing tailored actions across the region.

EU and US Blocking Plans to Protect Mako Sharks

23 November

The UK is championing stricter protections for mako sharks at the Atlantic fisheries meeting (ICCAT). In line with scientific advice, they’re co-sponsoring a proposal for a ban on landing these important endangered species. Recent media reports the UK Minister voicing disappointment over lack of consensus (so far). But negotiations continue this week. Go to sharkleague.org to find out more.

Draughtboard Shark Rescued from Rockpool

23 November

A young girl in Tasmania has rescued a Draughtboard Shark after it became stranded in a rockpool. Receding waters from rock pools, particularly after  spring tides, can cause some marine life to become trapped or stranded. While some species are adapted for intertidal life, others may become stressed in a constrained environment. But, a note of caution, marine life is usually best left undisturbed.

Diving with Oceanic Whitetip Sharks

22 November

Oceanic Whitetip Sharks are an iconic species to encounter. Once common throughout tropical and temperate seas, sadly, are now Critically Endangered. Overfishing of these sharks for their meat and highly prized fins has driven their populations to the brink. This article describes more, reminding scuba divers to treat this amazing shark with respect.

Blue Shark Sighted Upriver in Cape Cod Bay

19 November

A member of the public was surprised to spot a fin amongst the reeds whilst on the look out for other wildlife in Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts. The video footage allowed scientists to confirm the sighting to be a Blue Shark. These pelagic sharks are usually found further offshore. Scientists speculate this shark “took a wrong turn” during its migration route.

Zebra Shark Reintroduction Program Proposed in South East Asia

18 November

Scientists are working to reintroduce Zebra Sharks in Indonesia. To areas where their populations have seen dramatic declines. The project first hopes to rear Zebra Shark eggcases in aquariums. Before, shipping them to the protected archipelago of Raja Ampat. Here the eggcases will be further reared in ‘grow out pens’. And the newly hatched sharks will be  tagged and released within the designed MPAs.

South Africa Reviews its National Plan for Management of Sharks

17 November

South Africa’s Expert Panel released the findings of their review of its’ National Action Plan for the Conservation and Management of Sharks this week. Indicating that some progress has been made. But with concerns raised over slow progress in many key areas. South Africa is home to a diverse range of sharks, rays and chimera, important to both their tourism and fishing sector. The Panel’s review sets out more clarity on actions, prioritisation and measurable indicators.

Eggcases Recovered from Fisheries in Mallorca

13 November

(You may need Google Translate for this one!) Shark and skate eggcases brought up incidentally with fishing gear are being ‘rescued’ by a team in Mallorca. This week, the first six skates were released to the sea from their incubated eggcases. The Cayume Association launched the 'Eggcase 2020' project with the hope of assisting skates that are seriously affected by fishing.

Ban on Fishing for ‘Giant’ Sharks in Taiwan

10 November

In Taiwan, ban on fishing for White Sharks, Megamouth Sharks and Basking Sharks came into force this week. Previously, fishers were permitted to land these ‘giant’ sharks as bycatch. But now, as for other prohibited species, fishers must report any incidental bycatch and return them to the sea. This is good progress for the fishery and towards conservation efforts. Especially for Megamouth Sharks, where media reports have exposed multiple landings this summer.

President Elect Biden Vows to Restore Environmental Protections

10 November                                                                                                                      

As the world watched, Joe Biden won the race in the US election this week. President Elect Biden vows to restore environmental protections that were removed by the current administration. Conservationists, scientists and NGOs are asking, what can Biden do? And we ask, what could this mean for sharks?

White Shark Caught and Sold on Tunisia Fish Market

8 November

Shocking images from Tunisia over the weekend showing a 6m White Shark for sale. While prohibited under Mediterranean laws, national legislation is often lacking. And, as Tunisia ranks 2nd for shark and ray landings in the Mediterranean, national laws couldn’t come too soon. As GFCM (General Fisheries Commission Mediterranean) observers, we’ve previously appealed to the Tunisian government over landings of devil rays, guitarfishes and angel sharks, among others.

White Shark ‘Katherine’ Resurfaces off US East Coast

7 November

This week, tag transmissions from the White Shark named, Katherine, were recorded for the first time in around 18 months! Scientists confirmed that her tag ‘pinged’ a location transmission from around 200 miles off the coast of Virginia. The tag, attached to the dorsal fin, should ping each time the dorsal fin breaches the surface. White Sharks can go for a long time without surfacing. But this highlights how much there still is to discover about their movements and behaviour.

Shark Baby Boom off the California Coast…

6 November

Three times as many juvenile White Sharks have been tagged compared to previous years off the coast of California. Researchers suggest these high numbers are a result of healthier ecosystems and warm waters. Providing more food for the sharks and delaying their winter migration to Mexico. So it seems these sharks are on a ‘staycation’ too.

Florida Diver Encounter with a Whale Shark, a Manta Ray

5 November

Great video footage!! A diver has a rare and exciting encounter with a Whale Shark and Manta Ray off the coast of Florida. The Whale Shark is also joined by lots of hitchhiking remoras! Click here to check it out…

Cape Verde Island Designated UNESCO Biosphere Reserve

4 November

Maio Island has been officially designated as UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, putting Cape Verde on the conservation map. Whilst Maio supports key populations of Lemon and Nurse Sharks, the wider islands support more than 60 different shark and ray species. Many of which are under increasing pressure from human impacts. As part of the UNESCO network, the island will now have more profile and opportunity for collaborative work towards the conservation of its biodiversity.

Plastic Pollution Tightening its Grip on Sharks

3 November

A Porbeagle Shark had a plastic strap cutting into its neck for at least 6 months! Captured by researchers off New England, the 6-year old female had the plastic removed, was tagged and released back to the wild. This is second incident to occur in this area in just 16 months. Yet another example of plastic impacting our marine life. If you spot a shark, skate or ray entangled in plastic, you can report this through our collaborative Plastics Entanglement Network.

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Banner image: White Shark © Terry Goss / Wikimedia Commons