This month we're showcasing the speedy Shortfin Mako...

Shortfin Makos are truly built for speed. A long pointed snout and streamlined body make them incredibly hydrodynamic. Plus they have a powerful crescent-shaped tail that propels them through the water.

Shark skin is covered with millions of tiny teeth-like scales called dermal denticles, which point backwards to reduce surface drag. Makos also have ‘flexible scales’ on the parts of their body that experience the most flow – such as the edges of their pectoral fins. These ‘bristle’, helping to push water over their body more efficiently.

Another amazing adaptation - which they share with their close relative the White Shark - is the ability to warm essential regions of their body (known as thermoregulation). This gives them enhanced sensory abilities and powerful bursts of speed.

In fact, the Shortfin Mako is the fastest shark on record, reaching estimated speeds of 30mph. Possibly more. Enabling them to chase down fast bony-fish, such as tuna and swordfish.

Due to a camouflage strategy known as counter shading they are also difficult to spot. Being a darker colour on top, when looking down on them from above, they blend in with the open-ocean below. At the same time they are concealed against the lighter surface, when looking up at them from below. So, as well as being fast their prey often doesn’t even see them coming!

Shortfin Makos have a very low reproductive rate, only giving birth every 3 years. Females mature at 18 years and only produce 4-25 pups, after a 15-18 month gestation. So they are highly susceptible to overfishing.

Valued for their meat and fins, they are targeted by fisheries and taken in huge volumes as bycatch. They have no catch limits and because of this the North Atlantic population is in steep decline.

  • SCIENTIFIC NAME: Isurus oxyrinchus

  • FAMILY:  Lamnidae


  • DIET: Mainly fish and squid. But larger sharks may prey on small marine mammals.

  • DISTRIBUTION: Worldwide, preferring the temperate-tropical waters (17-20°C) of the open-ocean.

  • HABITAT: Coastal and oceanic waters from 0-600m deep. Prefers warmer waters but may dive into deeper colder waters ~10°.


Related Links:

► Adopt a Mako as part of our High Seas Sharks adoption.

► Check out more incredible sharks and rays covered in our Creature Features

► Discover more fin-tastic facts by visiting our Discover Sharks section